Monday, April 14, 2008

morning along the bay

On Saturday (March 29), we left the house early (around 7am), so we could go to Manila Bay and watch the dragon boat race. We decided to pass by the CCP Complex quickly, so I can see some of the activities that go on there during weekend mornings. Apparently, a number of groups do all sorts of exercises, such as tai chi, aerobics, dance, etc. Followers give donations to the exercise leaders. When we got there, it was late already (they are there by 6am), but we still saw groups stretching, doing aerobics, and doing dance.

As we walked along the bay, we saw some of the dragon boat competitors gathering and stretching. We found a shady spot on the breakwater wall and awaited the start of the races. While we waited, we watched people, including competitors, spectators, vendors, and those just hanging out. It was nice to be by the water, but I was creeped out by the ipis- or cockroach-looking bugs on the rocks below. The races were cool, but as we were situated closer to the beginning of the starting line, we couldn’t really see/feel the excitement of the finish line. We saw about five heats or so before it got hot and we went off in search of breakfast.

On the way, we saw a man creating art from plastic liter-sized soda bottles. We also saw Malate Church. When we went in, we saw that they just had a wedding and they were in the midst of taking the wedding pictures.

We saw a dimsum place, but it wasn’t open yet. L We ended up at Aristocrat Restaurant instead. The food was alright. What I didn’t like was seeing the pairs of foreigners with young Filipinas who are almost certainly prostitutes. That is one of my pet peeves—I hate seeing that. When we left the restaurant, big groups of diners were coming in. I’d forgotten March is graduation time here. That’s an interesting juxtaposition of youths and their futures.

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