Sunday, May 4, 2008

around banaue

After looking at the rice terraces, we headed to town for lunch. In town, we saw these bundles of rice being dried on the streets. They are being dried before being sent for milling.

We also saw this traditional house adorned with carabao (water buffalo) skulls. According to a guest at the inn, these skulls are a sign of wealth as carabaos are rare in the mountains (hard to bring up the mountain). We don't know if that's true or not, but every time we see a carabao, or even a cow, my companion says "big time."

We then went to the hanging bridge. I'm not good with heights so I only made it part of the way before going back. Nice view from the bridge, though.

Afterwards, we climbed up to Banaue Museum, which is run by the descendants of American anthropologist H. Otley Beyer. We saw old pictures and artifacts, but not too many labels to provide context. These pages from a book at the museum provide some information about the rice terraces:

It was tiring climbing up to the museum, but it did have a nice view of the town and its surroundings.

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