Saturday, May 10, 2008

batad children

During our Batad trek, we took a lot of pictures of local kids. These are some of the pictures, most of which were taken by my companion.

On the way to and in the village, we took these pictures. The two kids in the second picture were quite a ways from us, and they were watching a man--maybe their father--doing some work.

After going down to the village, we had to hike up the summit again before going down to Tappiah Falls. At the summit, there is a little resting place, where hikers can get some shade, buy some drinks or snacks, or just sit a while. When we got there in the morning, there was a woman there, a couple of teenage girls, and these kids. The bald-headed kid, in particular, was very playful. The first three pictures were taken in the morning. The fourth picture was taken in the afternoon, on our hike back.

On our hike up the terraces in the afternoon, we passed by this boy sleeping in this little lean-to.

Further along the way, we saw some villagers--including these kids--on one of the terraces. I believe their parents where clearing the terrace--burning and picking up the grass. The kids were friendly and playful.

When we got closer to the inn, there was another resting place/store. There were a bunch of kids there, and they were giving yellow daisies to the tourists. They were very cute. They acted shy when we were taking their pictures, but they also posed (the girls with the arms akimbo in the last picture--that was their pose). They enjoyed it when we showed them their pictures.

The Ifugao have a very distinct look, especially around the house. As you can see in these pictures, these kids are very cute. And friendly to boot.

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