Thursday, March 20, 2008

farewell parties

All throughout 2007, I knew that I was going to leave the Library of Congress and, perhaps, the DC area sooner or later. I had actually thought it would be sooner rather than later, that I would not be able finish out my 13-month term at the Library. But I did finish it out, and with the knowledge that I have a new job waiting for me at UCLA’s Young Research Library. Thank goodness (as job hunting had been such a pain)!

Prior to my departure, there were a number of farewell parties for me. In my department at the Library, my mentors put on a farewell coffee (January 29). It was quite a spread, with a lot of the food made by my mentors. I received numerous Library-related presents, including a calendar, a notepad, a paperweight, a bar of chocolate, and a mug. It was a quick but nice event.

I also had a farewell dinner (on February 20) with folks involved with CIRLA Fellows Program at Matchbox, a trendy restaurant in downtown DC that serves pizza and American food. Not everyone could go, but it was great to see those who were able to make it. I hadn’t seen some of them in over a year. I received more gifts at this dinner, including a Library of Congress calendar and mug, as well as scented candles and a dream book.

As if two farewell events were not enough, my friends also had a Buh-Bye Brunch (February 24)—with Filipino breakfast food—for me. My closest friend in the area was pretty much in charge of everything, including doing most of the cooking. As the invitation said, we had “pork served with pork with a side of pork.” Unexpectedly, I received a couple of presents—a photo album (with pictures) and wooden coasters in which I could put pictures. Though she didn’t give it to me that day (she did buy it the day before the party), my roommate also gave me a coffee table book on fairies.

All these farewell events were a bit much when added together, especially since I normally just leave when it’s time to go without too much hoopla. I was actually supposed to have a farewell lunch and dinner with a couple other folks, but those didn’t pan out (though one farewell dinner did happen). While I did want to see those people before I left, I can’t say I wasn’t glad to see an end to all the farewell meals.

Do I sound ungrateful or what? I’m not really. At the Buh-Bye Brunch, I was a bit on the taciturn side, and I realized later that I didn’t like being the center of attention. Plus, I was tired and had a lot of things on my mind, so I couldn’t really be in the moment. But I am grateful for all the efforts on my behalf. When I actually took a split second to think about it, I was surprised that all these people went through all that. That says something, doesn’t it? So, thanks, everyone!!!

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